I am currently working with a group of photographer friends on a project in which we each submit a photo each week that represents our own unique perspective of a word. The photos are put into a collage and posted for our friends and family to see on facebook. It is so fun to see how each of us interprets the word each week.
We are on week 9 and as each week comes and goes I will post the collages. I will try to post the weeks prior to week 8 over the next few days or weeks.
Week 9 was Pride. I immediately thought of the flag of the United States of America. It represents the hard work our ancestors put in to building our nation. I have a strong pioneer heritage. My ancestors gave up a lot to come to America and eventually the West. I take pride in my heritage and the sacrifices my family made for me and my family.
One of our group members submitted this quote with an image of her husband standing in front of the Vietnam's Veteran Memorial in DC: "PRIDE for those who have gone before us, both living and dead." Another member, Matt, had this to say about pride: "Pride is when you build something you have no idea you could".
The dictionary defines pride as follows:
pride |prīd|
1 a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired
Through our submissions you can see that we all have similar but different perspectives on what pride is. The cool thing is that all of them fit the definition of pride.
So along with sharing our collage and my individual submission I leave you with the following question: How would you represent the word Pride?
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